Banner instruction

The poster

Copy/paste the following code:

<iframe src="" width="460px" height="260px" frameborder="0"></iframe>

The standard size of the banner is 260px vertical and 460px horizontal.

You can resize the banner if wanted. The standard sizes can be changed by replacing the references with new values.

Please pay notice to that the width/height ratio is kept. The height is approximately 56% of the width. So for example, if you want a width of 460px the height should be 260px. 460 * 0.56 = 260. When the preferred sizes have been found replace them in the code.

The rosette

Copy/paste the following code:

<iframe src="" width="260px" height="260px" frameborder="0"></iframe>

The standard size of the banner is 260px vertical and 260px horizontal.

You can resize the banner if wanted. The width/height ratio is 1:1.

The standard sizes can be changed by replacing the references with new values.