Nyheder – Global

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Young people want to contribute: Two out of every three young people believe that it’s important to do something for the greater good of society, according to a survey of youth in 20 countries.

AIDS medicine boom: Nearly 21 million HIV-positive people across the world now have access to life-saving medicine against the disease.

Bigger reach for mobile internet: In the least developed countries, the price of mobile broadband has been halved since 2013. This gives more people access to news and knowledge.

Developing youth goes online: In the world’s least developed countries, almost a third of young people are now online. This opens new opportunities for jobs and education.

Analysis: Pioneering countries around the world say no to plastic waste

A more equal UN: For the first time, there’s now equal numbers of men and women in the top-level positions of the United Nations.

Young experts more concerned: Evaluating global threats in a new report, experts younger than 30 years were more concerned about the world’s problems than their older peers were.

Investors want to improve the world too

Most people support democracy: Despite widespread dissatisfaction with the political system, three out of every four people still support democracy, according to a survey in 38 countries.

Countries agree on plastic-free sea: World leaders have now agreed that the plastic pollution of the planet’s oceans must be stopped. But it has still not been decided how to achieve this goal.

Double up on solar energy: Last year, 14 countries doubled their solar energy production. The countries include giant such as China, Brazil, Mexico, and Pakistan.

Cross-border protection for animals: 129 nations have agreed to collaborate to protect 33 species of animals that roam across borders, such as whale sharks, giraffes, and leopards.

End of polio within reach: In 2017, so far only 12 cases of the paralysing disease polio have been reported worldwide. The disease is close to being eradicated.

Friendship across religious borders: Two out of every three young people have close friends from another religious background than their own, according to a big survey of youth in 20 countries.

World population boom slowing down: In the sixties, the total world population increased by 2% every year, but the growth has now slowed to a little more than 1%.

Success for fast growing fish: A non-profit organisation has spent 30 years breeding an improved version of the fish species tilapia. The new fish grows 85% faster, helping feed more people.

Pineapple leather invented: A leather substitute can now be produced from pineapple leaves. The new material could replace leather for more environmentally friendly shoes and handbags.

New milestone against AIDS: For the first time, more than half the world’s HIV patients now have access to vital medicine. The number of AIDS deaths have been nearly halved since 2005.

Vote to ban nuclear weapons: 122 nations of the UN have voted to ban nuclear weapons. The nuclear armed nations did not participate, but the idea is to put pressure on them to disarm.

Cheaper batteries boost cars: The cost of batteries for electric cars has dropped by 77 percent since 2010. This is important because the battery is a big factor in the price of these cars.