Short News – Europe

Smart idea makes cities more clean

Barcelona is testing a new idea to make parts of the city nearly free of cars. This makes the air cleaner and people can use the roads for other things.

Ireland to sell off dirty assets

Taking action against climate change, the Irish parliament has passed a law to drop coal, oil, and gas investments from the Ireland Stategic Investment Fund.

Dutch trains now run on wind power

In the Netherlands, all trains now run on green power from wind turbines. Part of the electricity comes from Scandinavia.

Poland recycles all landmines

As the 158th country Poland has now destroyed all its landmines, many of which were of the type "hand grenade on a stick". They were dismantled and reused for peaceful purposes.

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Poland recycles all landmines

As the 158th country in the world, Poland has now destroyed all its landmines. They were taken apart and the materials reused for peaceful purposes.