Short News – Latin America

River wins lawsuit
The river Rio Atrato in Colombia has won the right to protection and restoration. The verdict is seen as a victory for nature and indigenous people.

Islands ban child marriage
The small Caribbean state Trinidad and Tobago has banned child marriage. Previously, girls as young as 11 years of age were married off to much older men.

Good news for pint-sized porpoise
To save the vaquita, a tiny species of porpoise, Mexico’s government has now permanently banned the use of gillnets in the area. Only about 30 vaquitas remain.

El Salvador bans all metal mining
El Salvador becomes the first country in the world to ban all metal mining. The decision aims to protect the country’s diminishing water sources from pollution.

Bright idea saves jaguars
Paraguay protects its jaguars using solar-powered lamps. The light keeps jaguars from killing cattle at night and stops landowners from killing the jaguars.

Female cops against corruption
In parts of Mexico, female cops have taken over traffic control. Corruption complaints have decreased by 98 percent, according to the BBC.

Peru works more with less paperwork
Peru has removed 150 unnecessary procedures for setting up a tourist business. Investors now save 3 years of paperwork, and this is expected to create jobs.