Partners and Projects
World's Best News make different projects all year round - always in cooperation with media organisations and companies. Read about some of the projects here.
World's Best News make different projects all year round - always in cooperation with media organisations and companies. Read about some of the projects here.
2015 was a special year for development. It was the European Year for Development. For the first time the European Union focuses on the external action and Europe’s role in the world. Together with organzations in Europe the main goal was to inspire more Europeans to get engaged and involved in development and to explain how EU development aid works. World’s Best News was appointed to partner with the EU for #EYD2015. Across Europe, the Europeans met World’s Best News as weekly news and the yearly newspaper was distributed in a total of 19 European countries, with editions in 24 languages.
Project Everyone is on a mission to tell everybody in the world about the Global Goals. One of their many initiatives is The World’s Largest Lesson. The idea is that schools around the world dedicate at least one lesson in September to teach pupils about the meaning and importance of the Goals. World’s Best News is official partner with Project Everyone and has started the Danish version of World’s Largest Lesson. In Denmark, we call it ‘Verdenstimen’.
After five years of informal cooperation with the UN Millennium Campaign and since its replacement, the UN SDG Action Campaign, the cooperation between World’s Best News and SDG Action Campaign was formalized in 2017. Specifically, the UN wishes to draw on the Danish experience of constructive world- and development journalism. The UN wishes to spread the knowledge of the World’s Best News’s method and experience.
Roskilde Festival is the largest North European culture and music festival and has existed since 1971. It is a non-profit organisation consisting of about 50 full-time employees and thousands of volunteers. World’s Best News has partnered with Roskilde Festival in different ways for several years – and since 2015 we have been Equality partners.