News – Africa

World’s first malaria vaccine to be tested

A new world starts in school

New medical ring protects against HIV

Sierra Leone girls fight for their rights by football

Digital youths fight climate change in Africa

Microfinance protects forest in Mali

School time for Tanzania’s most vulnerable children

Girls in Ghana look to the future

A good business deal helps African girls

Toilets for the poor

Tough trees give food during drought

Africa more peaceful than ever

Entrepreneurs are superstars in Rwanda

Got your African facts straight?

Skateparks give poor kids a break

HIV postive helps sexworkers to a new life

Danish innovation secures drinking water in Africa

24.000 Danish Solar-powered Lamps Glow In Uganda

Africa is Highest Fashion

Using Culture and Creativity As a Lever

Playing With a Ball Teaches Children About Life

Menstrual Cup Makes Kenyan Girls Attend School

Cashless Toilets In Kenya’s Slum Prevents Theft

Ghana’s Oil Contributes To Better Education

Prejudices Obstruct Investments

Niger Curbs Infant Mortality

Fertile Growth Markets In Africa’s Drought